MEDITECH and Centennial MIT:

A Collaborative Solution

Finance and Reporting

Having access to the right data at the right time can make all the difference between positive and negative outcomes. At MEDITECH, we like to keep things positive.

We make it easier to extract and interpret meaningful data from your system, any way you slice it. Monitor your patients’ changing conditions. Identify those at risk for infection. Evaluate health trends across your population. Report back to statutory bodies. Track and manage all costs and revenue to stay fiscally sound.

Clinical, financial, and management staff alike all benefit from MEDITECH's Finance and Reporting solutions. Functionality includes:

Business and Operational Reporting
Clinical Reporting
Statutory Reporting
Patient Accounting
General Financials

Business and Operational Reporting

Whether you are anticipating changes, uncovering opportunities, or improving operational processes, MEDITECH has the data analysis tools to help your organisation address executive and management reporting needs.Charts

Our Data Repository helps you better analyse outcomes and  key performance indicators using a separate SQL data warehouse comprised of all MEDITECH data. The Data Repository operates with any third-party, ODBC-compliant reporting tool, providing you with multiple options for building interactive, drill-down dashboards and scorecards, and pushing relevant data to the right user at the right time. You can also map information from other vendor databases to the same SQL server to support comprehensive reporting of data from both MEDITECH and non-MEDITECH systems.

Management staff can also use our Executive Support System to automatically trend administrative, clinical, and financial data captured throughout our Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in graphical and tabular drill-down formats for informed decision-making and analysis. We offer standard views as well as the ability to design customised reporting views.

To complement our existing toolset, MEDITECH is developing a new Business and Clinical Analytics (BCA) web-based reporting solution, which will work in tandem with our Data Repository. BCA is a business intelligence dashboard tool that enables organizations to visualize and utilize data to drive operational efficiency, maximize financial performance, and improve patient outcomes.

BCA is a frontend to the Data Repository, and will be delivered with standard content dashboard views. Dashboard views will feature the ability to drill into supporting levels of detail to understand root causes of issues, as well as a variety of selectors to slice data by different time periods, providers, payers, patient classes, clinical conditions, etc. BCA is executive-focused, with emphasis on actionable business and clinical drivers.

Clinical Reporting

MEDITECH has the clinical reporting functionality to help you improve outcomes and deliver a higher quality of care using informed care pathways. All of Doctorour clinical applications include standard and compiled reporting features to track statistics on key patient information—from Adverse Drug Reactions to Status Event Progressions.

Consultants can pinpoint abnormalities and trends using real-time data trending of test results from the Electronic Patient Record (EPR). MEDITECH’s EPR is a clinical data repository that stores complete patient medical records and facilitates timely and accurate medical decision-making.

Customised reporting capabilities provide consultants the ability to build real-time reports from discrete data elements across the EPR. Such reports, created with the system’s Report Designer, can be saved to each consultant or care provider’s menu for future use at the point of care.

MEDITECH’s Data Repository, a SQL data warehouse, can be used with any third party, ODBC-compliant reporting tool for longitudinal, research-based analysis across the care continuum. It can also be used to address quality standards defined by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). For example, MEDITECH currently has pre-built reports for stroke prevention and venous thromboembolism (VTE).

Statutory Reporting

Is data collection a burden? Allow us to help.  

MEDITECH provides several standard Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) and central returns to alleviate the burden of data collection and national submission requirements.

MEDITECH-provided data sets include:

 • Type 130 - Finished General Episode
 • Type 020 - Outpatient Episode
 • Type 010 - Accident & Emergency Episode
 • Type 120 - Finished Birth Episode
 • Type 140 - Finished Delivery Episode
 • Type 180 - Unfinished Birth Episode
 • Type 190 - Unfinished General Episode
 • Type 200 - Unfinished Delivery Episode.

Central returns include:

 • Referral to Treatment Patient Tracking List (PTL18wk)
 • Referral to Treatment Dataset (18wksRTT)
 • Referral to Treatment Dataset - Adjusted (18wksADJ)
 • Direct Access Audiology PTL (ADTPTL)
 • Direct Access Audiology WT (ADWT)
 • Monthly Monitoring Report - Activity (MARPROV2)
 • Quarterly Activity Report (QAR)
 • Quarterly Monitoring for A&E (QMAE)
 • Quarterly Monitoring for Cancelled Operations (QMCO).

Have additional reporting needs? We supply you with the tools you need to meet the NHS’ information demands.

With customised reporting tools you can collect data sets, conduct audits, perform exception reporting, compile samples on a case-by-case basis, and extract data in multiple formats. Build real-time reports with our inherent Report Designer and incorporate information captured in discrete data fields throughout the MEDITECH Electronic Patient Record (EPR).

Capture additional data elements through Customer-Defined Screens and queries, and report off this data in the same manner as with standard screens. Continuously feed data from your EPR into our Data Repository, a SQL data warehouse that can be used with any third-party, ODBC-compliant reporting tool to meet your management reporting needs. With MEDITECH, your reporting possibilities are nearly endless.

Patient Accounting

Efficiently manage patient billing and collections for timely reimbursement with MEDITECH’s Patient Accounting System.
Stethoscope and money
Through tight integration between Patient Accounting and the rest of the MEDITECH Electronic Patient Record (EPR), all departmental and clinical applications automatically post charges to patient accounts, eliminating lost charges. For example, as pathology tests are resulted or prescriptions administered, the associated charges automatically post to the patient’s account.

To further support private hospitals with the full scope of patient accounting, MEDITECH provides a wide range of functionality available through customisable, roles-based desktop portals. These portals, which include Biller, Collector, Shortfall Management, and Clinician Fees Desktops, help your staff to effectively organise their workflow through real-time account inquiries and centralised access to all necessary routines.

Our Patient Accounting System also features a comprehensive set of standard and customer-defined reports to help you better manage your revenue cycle processes and evaluate performance. For example, you can use a variety of summary reports to compile all revenue cycle activity for a period, date, or range of dates.

General Financials

Do you have an accurate understanding of your organisation’s finances? With MEDITECH’s financial management tools, executives and financial staff alike can efficiently monitor and manage financial data—from purchases and receipts to assets. Options include:

 • General Ledger—your central dashboard for managing all financial transactions. Automatically receive debits and credits from across MEDITECH applications and instantly drill down to view detailed information. Manage budgets, allocate resources, monitor account balances, and report across single- and multi-facilities, all through one powerful tool.

 • Fixed Assets—control and depreciate assets for buildings, land, equipment, and much more. Track the value of your property from purchase to replacement and budget for the future.

 • Accounts Payable—improve your cash flow and credit position, and reduce paperwork by paying invoices on time and electronically. Automatic matching of invoices to purchase orders reduces the likelihood of errors, while saving you valuable time.

 • Central Stock Management—automate your inventory management. Order supplies online through eCommerce. Manage contracts with your suppliers to secure the best prices. Maintain perpetual inventory levels by using bar code readers to scan and decrement supplies. Auto-generate purchase orders as supplies run low. And keep your equipment in working order by scheduling and monitoring  preventive maintenance.

Contact Us

MEDITECH: Address: 7 Blue Hill River Road Canton, MA 02021 USA Phone: +1 781-821-3000 Or send us an email here.
Centennial MIT: Address: One Northumberland Avenue, London, WC2N 5BW Phone: 0207 872 5583

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