

Priority Event Notifications Coming Via Email

Assign a patient safety contact today!

March 1, 2013 - With our continued focus on patient safety, MEDITECH has been working with customers and soliciting feedback on how we can improve our priority event process.

Many of you have let us know that you would like to start receiving priority event notifications through email, in addition to the current task/issue communication system. As a result, we plan to begin sending email notifications, starting on May 1, 2013. As you requested, these emails will always be easily identifiable, with the subject line: “Potential Patient Safety Issue: Priority Event.”

Since the priority event email notifications will be sent to ‘patient safety’ contacts at your facility, it’s important for you to ensure your contacts are up-to-date.

How to Review/Assign Your Patient Safety Contact

Your support staff listing is available for review/editing on the Customer Service Portal. This is where you can check to be sure your contacts are current, or assign a new contact.
1. Click the Customer Support button, then select Support Staff under the Support Tools header.

2. From here, you can view, add, edit, or delete your facility's contacts with MEDITECH. The patient safety role can be assigned in the Main Site Contact Type(s) field.

Please take a moment to assign this responsibility to the appropriate contact, so we can keep listening, acting, and delivering for you!