Updated March 16, 2015 - On March 13, 2015, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo passed a law delaying the I-STOP mandate of EPCS one full year to March 27, 2016. While this new legislation provides our NY customers additional time to implement the EPCS measures, MEDITECH continues to encourage its customers to move forward with implementing this functionality in advance of the 2016 deadline. Updated February 10, 2015 - The I-STOP waiver (exception letter 'b') only applies to New York hospitals whose vendor is not ready for EPCS. Since MEDITECH worked diligently to be prepared for EPCS, MEDITECH customers do not fall within this waiver category. Implementation of this functionality will begin with New York-based organizations that are required to submit all prescriptions electronically as of March 27, 2015. General availability will proceed for the following releases: MAGIC 5.66 PP12 or higher, Client/Server 5.66 PP11 or higher, 6.07 PP5d, 6.14 PP5, 6.15 PP6 (acute), and 6.08 PP6 (MPM). Surescripts requires any vendor intending to send controlled substance prescriptions within their network to undergo a thorough certification process. In addition, a DEA-approved third party organization must perform an audit of the integration with DrFirst’s EPCS Gold solution. MEDITECH passed the Surescripts certification, and was deemed fully compliant with DEA regulations by BDO. View BDO’s findings for MAGIC, Client/Server, and 6.x. Please note, full audit reports are available upon request. If you have any questions, please contact your MEDITECH ePrescribing Applications Specialist.
January 27, 2015 - After years of preparation, we’re pleased to announce the MEDITECH MAGIC, Client/Server, and 6.x platforms have completed the Surescripts certification and BDO audit for Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS).