
Making the Most of MEDITECH Integration in Your Ambulatory Environment

Q: What options exist to associate a no-show letter to the clinic chart within APR?
A: Currently, unless a letter is created out of the APR application, the system will not store a letter generated from a separate application. In this case, because the letter in question is generated through Scheduling, we do not have a means to send that information to be stored with the Ambulatory patient chart in APR. An enhancement has been created to track the addition of this requested functionality.

Q: When a patient presents for the first time, how do we go about documenting on the patient's chart?
A: In order to associate clinical documentation to a patient’s chart, a patient must have at minimum a pre-registered account within the MPM database. Once an account has been established details can be added to a patient’s chart through a note or visit based encounter.

Q: We currently use the LSS Patient Portal. Will patients that have been registered within the LSS Portal be migrated to MEDITECH’s new Patient and Consumer Health Portal solution?
A: While the details surrounding the Patient and Consumer Health Portal registrations being migrated is still being finalized by Development, we anticipate that organizations will be able to run a routine that will send an email to all current LSS portal users and notify them of the new portal URL and give them instructions to sign in to the new Portal tool.