
Firsthand Look at Bed Board

Q: Is a Blocked Bed considered within the current occupancy statistics?
A: No, Blocked beds are not included on the occupancy statistics.

Q: Can a user edit a room and bed on a Bed Reservation?
A: No, the room and bed fields cannot be edited within the Bed Reservation routine. However, the user can highlight the patient on the Reservation worklist and choose the Assign Bed function button. This will address the user with a message informing them the patient currently has a reservation. They can answer Yes to this box and proceed to the criteria lookup process. Once they have selected the Service Location etc and file, a worklist of unoccupied(or occupied) beds, depending on the criteria chosen, will appear. The user can then choose the new bed they would like to place the reservation against for the patient by clicking and highlighting the unoccupied(or occupied) bed, and then selecting the Reservation footer button. This will again address the prior reservation asking if the user would like to cancel the original request. Once the user has answered Yes to this question, the new reservation for the patient will appear on the Reservation Worklist and the old one removed.
Q: Can the Multi-Transfer routine within Bed Board default in the transferring patient information?
A: No, this Feature does not allow the default of the prior entries marked to be transferred. The user must select the room and bed from the lookup prior to filing the Multi-Transfer routine.

Q: (Public site only) If a TCI is cancelled within Wait-List and a Bed Board reservation exists, will the event remove the reservation?
A: No, the user would need to remove the reservation or wait until it reached the Purge days parameter.