
Optimising Data Display within Emergency Department Management

Q: Does the system allow for laboratory result indicators to be color coded based on abnormal results?
A: Within the EDM Indicator Dictionary, only the option to color code the various statuses of an order is available. Color coding based on abnormal results received cannot be done at this time.

Q: Within the free text comment functionality, is there a way to show that the comment has been “acknowledged”?
A: Currently, the system does not provide a way for the free text comment to be acknowledged. The staff caring for the patient in the A&E have the ability to update the comment once it has been received/read.

Q: For the medication information that would appear on an EDM Patient Record report, does this link to MM?
A: The information that appears on an EDM Patient Record for a patient would consist of medications from the Ambulatory Order Management module. The report does not include medication information from the Materials Management module.

Q: The integrated desktop button of Order PHA, is this available from the Nursing Status Board as well?
A: The Order PHA integrated desktop button is not an option available within the Nursing module. The Nursing module does have integrated desktop buttons specific to medications, however they link a user to the eMAR, Ambulatory Order Management via the Reconcile Rx button or Provider Order Management via the Orders button.