ONC's 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule

MEDITECH is committed to meeting the standards set by ONC Final Rule 45 CFR 170 and 171 (the “Information Blocking Act”), which establishes new rules within the 21st Century Cures Act to prevent anti-competitive information blocking behaviors by organizations that handle protected health information (PHI).

Our company fully supports the intent of this ONC Final Rule to advance innovation in our industry, and to benefit patients through effective and secure interoperability.

MEDITECH’s existing contract language does not conflict with the intent of this ONC Final Rule but MEDITECH shall not enforce existing contractual provisions that could be interpreted as doing so. We are also updating our contract language to prevent the potential for ambiguity, and that language will be included in the next contract or amendment we provide to your organization.

In the coming days, all MEDITECH customers will receive an M-task that confirms our commitment to this initiative and provides you with a way to communicate directly with your Support Team. Please review this task upon receipt, and contact your MEDITECH Account Manager with any inquiries.